Reducing stress in pets, through lights and smells

I worked with Zoe, a Graphic Designer from my University, to bring our skills together and create a product between us.
After comparing interests, we decided to focus on a product aimed at pets, and more importantly stress in pets. After more consideration we quickly fell on a diffuser, but we wanted to include more aspects to make the pets even more comfortable.
Comprising of two parts, the diffuser and the charging pad, our product could be moved around the home to make sure pets felt safe and secure wherever they are.
The base has wireless charging, to keep the diffuser charged at night. Not only this, but it has LED lighting to act as a nightlight, as through our research we found that this calmed pets just as much as scent diffusers.
The diffuser itself has a rounded, weighted base so it cannot be pushed over by mischievous pets. It has slats in the top for scents to be released through, and can be opened, so the user can change the diffuser when it runs out.
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